Dr. Juan Pablo Polgatiz Benavides
EAI Representative for Chile
Hello my name is Juan Pablo Polgatiz Benavides
I am 41 years old, and I live in a small city in Chile called Rancagua. I’m a dentist but have been involved in egg artistry for many years. This is an art form I enjoy very much, since it allows us to use so many different techniques on the eggshells.
I’ve been always a self taught artist but envision and dream of visiting other countries to improve my egg art.I ‘m very happy of accepting this task, and promise I will give my best for fullfilling this issue in the best manner I can.
I feel so responsable for spreading this art form in my lands so there will be more people involved in this art. I wish this art could be heritaged for future generations so it will be transmitid and won’t be lost.
I look forward meeting other world representives to establish a long term realtionship which will bring many benefits for this craft. Sincerely from Chile, Juan Pablo