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- Master Artisan Pathway "MAP" Categories and Guidelines | Egg Art International (EAI)
16 categories of eggshell art assessment is outlined for the Master Artisan Pathway "MAP". Master Artisan Pathway- "MAP" MAP Categories and Guidelines Kategorie i wytyczne „MAP” GENERAL GUIDELINES Only original designs using real eggshells will be considered for assessment. Any size of eggshell, unless otherwise stated can be used. Designs using more than one egg, for example two eggs forming a heart shape, can be entered for assessment. Judges will score the following categories : Creativity and Originality - Only original designs allowed. Composition and Design - Use of the Principles and Elements of Design (Line, composition, space, movement, balance, emphasis, pattern, unity, color, contrast, rhythm, texture, value, form) Technique Craftsmanship and Presentation Degree of Difficulty Overall Impression CATEGORY GUIDELINES Where one or more techniques are used, please select the category which applies to the main technique. If you are unsure, you can ask for assistance by contacting us. Click on the photos to see a larger picture. ACID ETCHING A design where acid is used to remove areas of the shell to create a design. The overall design and technique execution will be assessed, and the level of difficulty will be taken into account. (Eggs, such as an emu, where different color layers exist will require more careful attention to detail). APPLIED WAX A design where wax is applied as part of the design and left in situ as part of the decorative technique, such as Madeira work, cross-stitch style etc. The even application of the wax to the egg will be considered, along with the complexity of the design. The judges will be looking for a mix of technique to include ‘drop-pull’. Additional cut work will add to the level of complexity. ART BATIK A design which uses the basic techniques of waxing and dyeing, without using traditional Pysanky motifs. This style of work is decorative and is not constrained by tradition. ARTIST’S CHOICE Let your creativity run riot with this category - any style, any combination of technique or use of material. The usual criteria of good workmanship will be assessed. BEADED or JEWELED A design where the main focus of the work involves the application of beading or jewels. Attention should be paid to the careful placement of beads, smoothness of the finish and uniformity of any pattern, such as a basket-weave. Other techniques can be incorporated. CARVING The shell should be carved into to create relief work, using a technique which involves deeper scoring of the shell than the scratch carving category. Attention should be paid to creating clean, smooth cuts. The carving should be well-balanced, and other techniques can be incorporated into the design. DÉCOUPAGE Attention will be paid to the accuracy of cutting the paper print (decals are not permitted) and the surface finish of the egg after the print has been buried. The surface should be perfectly smooth, free from blemish and should not have any unwanted particles embedded in the finish. This category is one where the egg has to be judged ‘in person’. DIORAMA The main focus of the design will be a scene that is created within the egg; however, this can also extend around the egg. The level of detail included will be assessed, however the exterior of the egg will also be looked at in detail. Any items made by the artist should be mentioned as this will be of benefit in the assessment. The usual criteria of a well-balanced and tasteful design will also apply. HAND PAINTED The design must be original and can be in any style; however, the complexity of the work will be given additional credit, and it is expected that the submission will show proportion, balance, and if appropriate, shadow, depth and good use of color to create an overall pleasing piece of work. INTRICATELY CUT Intricate cut work is the main focus of the work involved. The level of difficulty in terms of working with thinner shells will be taken into account, as well as the neatness of the cutting, the removal of membrane and the general balance and design of the work presented. MECHANICAL A design which incorporates movement within the design. The mechanisms used could be battery powered, using pulleys etc., but must operate smoothly. The judges may request a short video of the egg in action to determine the level of movement involved. Unless creating movement in addition to music, musical boxes do not fall into this category. The overall design, innovation and technical expertise will be assessed and taken into account when judging. MINIATURE A category where any style of work is acceptable, however the entire design (including the stand and any added items) should fit within a box 3" x 3" x 3" (7.5 x 7.5 x 7.5cm). Work will be assessed with the usual criteria of execution of techniques used, neatness of workmanship. Complexity of design and skills used will also be taken into consideration. MIXED MEDIA Lots of scope for creativity in this category where a distinct additional style of work is added to the egg, such as polymer clay work, popotillo, quilling, scrimshaw and other paper crafting techniques (such as paper constructions/origami). This should not include work that falls readily into other categories such as paper sculpture work. Attention will be paid to the execution of the different techniques displayed with both being of an acceptable standard. Ingenuity will be a factor in the judging as well as the general standards of workmanship. NOVELTY A design which displays an unusual and novel concept. Examples could include a tea service, method of transport (car, boat etc.), wearable egg art. Attention will be paid to the unusual concept displayed in the entry as well as the general execution of workmanship and complexity of technique. P APER SCULPTURE Paper Toile and Bas Relief fall within this category. Both methods of work include the accurate cutting of paper prints which are then built up into a 3-dimensional finish. The raised paperwork should be firm to the touch. The finished work should exhibit neat cutwork, and the design can be raised against the shell with the edges all touching the egg or, alternatively, certain areas can be raised permanently. Suitability of the paper print and originality of its application to the egg as well as the accurate execution of the technique will be taken into account. PYSANKY-DIASPORA This category allows the artist to combine traditional motifs (we require the artist to provide an explanation/meaning behind the symbols) with a free interpretation to create an original design using the wax and dyeing techniques. PYSANKY-TRADITIONAL This category is for the traditional designs associated with Pysanky, all of which have their own particular meanings and come from specific regions. The true interpretation of these traditional designs must be adhered to in this category and we require an image of the original design for comparison. THIS IS THE ONLY CATEGORY WHERE COPIES ARE ALLOWED. SCRATCH CARVING A design where the egg is dyed using either a natural or chemical dye and the surface ONLY of the shell is manually scratched to create shading, texture and a pleasing design. We wish to thank the artists who participated in "Egg of the Month", Master Artisan Pathway and the IEAG Master Program whose egg art is shown. These are all considered fine examples of the styles shown.
- Master Artisan Pathway "MAP" Judging Criteria & Scoring | Egg Art International (EAI)
MAP judging criteria evaluates creativity,originality,composition,design,technique,craftsmanship,presentation,difficulty and overall impression using photo submission, in-person, or mail in judging. The score sheet is included on this page. Master Artisan Pathway- "MAP" Judging Criteria and Score Sheet Kryteria oceniania i arkusze punktacji There are certain criteria that should be met with regard to each separate category which may not necessarily apply to all, and these are specified under each section. However, the following general points will be taken into consideration when judging. These have been based on looking at assessments of different artistic/creative disciplines and the MAP applicant should endeavor to acknowledge and build upon these as they progress through the Master Artisan Pathway. THE JUDGES All judges received redacted applications so to eliminate any potential bias. While acknowledging that not everyone will have a working knowledge of all techniques, we are determined that judging will be fair, and as a result, judging will be carried out by artists who are proficient in egg art themselves with experience in various fields within egg art. Where the judges recognize their own lack of expertise, they will call in an additional judge who is deemed to be an expert in that particular field. That judge would also be more capable of giving constructive criticism and encouragement to applicants. We are attempting to provide judges in different countries over time so that the responsibility is shared. Creativity and Originality -Judges are aware of the work of many different egg artists, so copies of the work of others would not be acceptable. (See the declaration required on the application form). Make sure to describe any unique ideas in the description area of the form. Composition and Design -The arrangement of visual elements in an artwork, putting together your skills and knowledge of materials to create a masterpiece. Understand the Principles and Elements of Design (Line, composition, space, movement, balance, emphasis, pattern, unity, color, contrast, rhythm, texture, value, form). Does the design flow through the entire piece? The entry should be capable of being viewed as a whole, not just as an egg with additions. Check that no one element can be seen as being out of place. Do the components used create a well-balanced design by using appropriately sized embellishments? Technique -Probably the most obvious points, however attention should be paid to the execution of any technique used, any application of additional materials, correct alignment of the various components used in the design. The judges will be able to spot poor cutwork, paint finish, glue seepage, areas missing dyes etc., so make sure that the very basic mistakes are not made. Craftmanship and Presentation - Show the judges that some effort has been put into the work, not that you have just used what you have immediately available. Difficulty -Although the egg size is not the absolute determination of the degree of difficulty, it is important in several categories such as acid etching, applied wax, beaded/jeweled, carving, decoupage, hand painted, intricately cut, paper sculpture, pysanky and art batik Context/Description -Make sure to fill out the description on the form with as much information as possible. Describe unique ideas, methods used, any specific significance/symbolism of the entry. A thorough description will perhaps help you score higher in the creativity/originality section. CRITERIA SCORING The scoring system is based on a 100-point scale. The judge scores each category on a scale of 1-5. This is called the Raw Score. Each raw category score is than converted, based on the percent weighting, to a weighted score. You can read the Judge's Score Sheet below in order to see how much weighting is given to each category. We attempt to have at least 2-3 judges score the entries. The weighted scores from all judges are added together and divided by the number of judges to get the artists final score which will determine the level (bronze, silver or gold) awarded. POINTS NEEDED FOR AWARDS AND SCORE SHEETS Bronze Level Award requires a score of 70 points. Silver Level Award requires a score of 80 points. Gold level Award requires a score of 90 points. JUDGES SCORING SHEET- GENERAL Score Sheet-General,English Arkusz Wyników Polski-General 2025 JUDGES SCORING SHEET- PYSANKY- DIASPORA Score Sheet-Pysanky Diaspora, English Polski Arkusz Wyników-Pysanky Diaspora 2025 JUDGES SCORING SHEET- PYSANKY- TRADITIONAL Score Sheet Pysanky Traditional ENG Polski Arkusz Wyników-Pysanky Tradycyjny JUDGES SCORING SHEET- ART BATIK Score Sheet Art Batik, English Polski Arkusz Wyników Art Batik 2025
- Aplikacja MAP-osoby w wieku 18 lat i sta | EAI
Ścieżka Mistrza Rzemiosła - „MAP” Należy pamiętać o następujących kwestiach: * W ciągu 30 dni można przesłać tylko 2 zgłoszenia. * Nasza polityka zakłada przesłanie wyników w ciągu 29 dni od daty kompletnego zgłoszenia. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do wydłużenia tego czasu w przypadku nieprzewidzianych okoliczności. Prosimy o nie wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail dotyczących wyników przed upływem 30 dni. * Niedokładne zapoznanie się ze wszystkimi informacjami MAP może skutkować odmową przyjęcia lub niższymi wynikami. Aplikacj „MAP” - dla członków w wieku 18 lat i starszych * Upewnij się, że jesteś członkiem przed wysłaniem zgłoszenia, aby uniknąć jego odrzucenia. Imię Nazwisko Email Jaki rodzaj jajka? Wysokość sztuki jajka Szerokość jajka Data ukończenia zgłoszenia Wybierz kategorię - TYLKO JEDEN WYBÓR * * Art Batik Trawienie kwasem Wosk użytkowy Wybór artysty Koraliki lub biżuteria Rzeźba Diorama Decoupage Ręcznie malowane Misternie wycięte Mechaniczny Miniatura Media mieszane Nowość Rzeźba z papieru Pysanky - Diaspora Pysanky - tradycyjny Scratch Carving WYMAGANE dla Pysanky-Traditional i Pysanky-Diaspora Opisz swoje jajko: Użyte techniki, cechy specjalne, symbole itp. w celu poprawy punktacji w każdej kategorii. Wszystkie figurki, rekwizyty itp. muszą być ujawnione, jeśli są dziełem artysty lub komercyjnym. UWAGA: Diaspora i Traditional Pysanky muszą zawierać pełny opis symboli. Obszar nadsyłania zdjęć Prosimy o uważne zapoznanie się z wymaganiami dotyczącymi zdjęć, aby uniknąć odrzucenia formularza. Prześlij zdjęcia w formacie JPEG zgodnie z wymaganiami: Wymagane jest przesłanie co najmniej 6 zdjęć, jak opisano poniżej. Jeśli jajko się otwiera, należy dodać zdjęcie wnętrza i oznaczyć je jako „wnętrze”. Jeśli jajko porusza się mechanicznie, wymagane będzie nagranie wideo o długości nie dłuższej niż 10 sekund. ŁĄCZNA dozwolona ilość MB na zgłoszenie wynosi 25 MB. a. Nazwij obrazy w następujący sposób: Przód, Tył, Lewa strona, Prawa strona, Góra i Dół. b. Zdjęcia nie mogą być opatrzone nazwą ani nie mogą pokazywać nazwy. c. Tło musi być białe lub czarne bez odblasków. d. Zdjęcia z przodu, z tyłu i po bokach należy robić na wysokości oczu. Wymagane Prześlij zdjęcie przedniej części jajka Wymagane Prześlij prawą stronę zdjęcia jajka Wymagane Prześlij zdjęcie jajka z tyłu Wymagane Prześlij zdjęcie górnej części jajka Wymagane Prześlij lewą stronę zdjęcia jajka Wymagane Prześlij dolną część zdjęcia jajka Widok opcjonalny Prześlij jeden inny widok Widok opcjonalny #2 Prześlij jeden inny widok Wideo - tylko mechaniczne lub oświetlone Prześlij 10-sekundowe lub krótsze wideo Upload supported file (Max 15MB) TYLKO PYSANKY TRADIONAL I PYSANKY DIASPORA Prześlij kopię oryginalnych symboli, które replikujesz Ważne uwagi: Wszystkie pola oznaczone gwiazdką * są wymagane do zaakceptowania aplikacji. Upewnij się, że wniosek jest kompletny. W razie problemów lub pytań prosimy o kontakt. Pamiętaj, aby poczekać, aż zobaczysz komunikat „Twoja aplikacja została odebrana. Dziękujemy.” przed opuszczeniem ekranu, ponieważ spowoduje to utratę informacji. Czas przesyłania może się różnić. Poczekaj na wiadomość e-mail z dalszymi instrukcjami i informacjami. Przesyłając to zgłoszenie, potwierdzasz, że wszystkie prace zostały wykonane przez Ciebie osobiście i że jajko jest Twoim oryginalnym projektem. Wyrażasz również zgodę na wykorzystanie przez EAI przesłanych zdjęć na stronie internetowej, w mediach społecznościowych EAI oraz we wszelkich publikacjach. Możesz zrezygnować z publikowania swojego imienia i nazwiska wraz ze zdjęciami, zaznaczając poniższe pole. Udzielam Egg Art International zgody na wykorzystanie mojego imienia i nazwiska w Internecie i na stronach mediów społecznościowych. tak nie Złóż wniosek Twoje zgłoszenie zostało odebrane. Dziękujemy
Blog Posts (126)
- Congratulations Luba Kapeluch for winning the January 2025 "Most Liked Egg" on our Facebook group!
Join the fun and help spread the love of egg art on our Facebook group Egg Art International Gallery Here is the link
- Welcome Ukranian Eggcessories to our Red Star Suppliers list!
Great news! We welcome Ukranian Eggcessories to our Red Star Suppliers list. 🥚✨ Explore their exquisite pysanky supplies and join us in celebrating creativity!
Forum Posts (17)
- A Big Thank youIn General Discussion·April 13, 2023As someone new to Egg Art at the age of 79 I would just like to say a big thank you to Linda Martin (for her personal help) and the talented group of people who are creating this site I find it very intuitive to navigate and I know it will be very helpful. My first Eggs st eggs.2450
- Patterns scratched with a wallpaper knife,Then covered with colorIn Mastern Artisan Pathway "MAP"·June 24, 20231125
- A Big Thank youIn General DiscussionApril 13, 2023Polly I am so happy to see what you've managed to achieve in such a short space of time! I can see us old 'uns are going to have to up our game before much longer if you carry on like this! Well done... and it's been a pleasure helping you to get started on what will be a wonderful journey!20